I will be writing two book reviews for the month of May. I first want to feature one of my favorite books by Don Miguel Ruiz, “The Four Agreements”. One of my clients gave me a copy of a book she is reading and I found it so fascinating and informative I decided when I finish it I will be posting it in the next few weeks, so stay tuned!! The book is “Why Does He DO That? Inside the minds of Angry and Controlling Men”, by Lundy Bancroft. The Four Agreements The reason why I find “The Four Agreements” by Don Miguel Ruiz such a great book is that it’s a very practical guide to personal freedom because it is based on the agreements we have made with ourselves, other people, with society, with God. The most important agreement I believe is the one
Read more →I am pleased to announce I will be in Washington D.C. at the 40th Anniversary Psychotherapy Network Symposium called “The Courage to Connect: Shaping Our Future in an Age of Uncertainty”. The keynote speaker for this event is Dr. Brené Brown. She will be discussing vulnerability and courage in psychotherapy. I am very excited to see her again at this conference since I am a certified facilitator through her Daring Way Program. The main reason I want to attend the symposium is because the focus is on trauma treatment and the effective healing interventions for the mind and body from some of the field’s leading experts including Daniel Siegel, Dr.Bessel van der Kolk, and Peter Levine, Ph.D., just to name a few. I will be learning how traumatic imprints can be addressed using techniques that go beyond talk therapy and will also be provided insight on
Read more →A new book: “Rising Strong: The Reckoning, The Rumble. The Revolution.“Dr. Brené Brown, PhD, LMSW Guess what? I am so excited to announce that Dr.Brené Brown has a new book coming out and she sent them to all of her certified facilitators before it is released in August! It’s called: Rising Strong: The Reckoning, The Rumble. The Revolution. Dr. Brené knew when she was writing The Gifts of Imperfection and Daring Greatly that she would be using the data she has collected over the years to address the issue many of her readers have asked her which is, “I dared greatly, I was brave. I got my butt kicked and now I’m down for the count. How do I get back up?” Rising Strong is about what Dr. Brené has learned about surviving hurt that actually saved her again and again. It saved her and
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