Do you remember watching the movie, Hope Floats with Sandra Bullock and Harry Connick Jr.? It’s about a woman who found out her husband was cheating on her so she decides to go back home with her young daughter to try and figure out her life. I fell in love with this romantic drama even though the reviews weren’t very positive, but what I find interesting is that the soundtrack and the quotes from this movie still resonate with people. While reading an article recently I came across my favorite quote which is, “Beginnings are scary, endings are usually sad, but it’s the middle that counts the most.” Try to remember this when you find yourself at a new beginning. Just give hope a chance to float up.” I kept thinking about how all of us go through pain and it sure is
Read more →It was May 1975; I was a sophomore in high school and had starting dating a boy for about fourth months that was a few years older than me so I guess you could say we were officially boyfriend and girlfriend. He had asked me to go to a family get together with him on a beautiful Sunday afternoon and I will never forget the outfit I wore that day, it was a beautiful new crème colored pant suit I had just bought at the mall. It was unusual I was able to do something on a Sunday because being raised in a very conservative Catholic family all of us usually stayed home. The day felt special to me because he wanted to include me and spend time with him; I enjoyed getting to know more about his family and being introduced as
Read more →This month has been off the chart!! Summer is such a busy time for everyone but I had one priority before it was over and that was getting together with the women who have attended several of my workshops to show my gratitude for their insight and support! I wanted to do something unique and create an experience that we would all be doing for the first time, believe me it wasn’t going to be skydiving or rock climbing but an activity that would have a memory for all of us. During my workshops these women share their stories and trust in each other; we have all laughed, cried and empathized but more importantly have grown closer together knowing that there are people in their lives that see, hear and UNDERSTAND who we truly are! These women are talented, creative, and up for
Read more →The book, “Why Does He Do That? Inside the Minds of Angry and Controlling Men” by Lundy Bancroft is so informative and eye-opening I couldn’t stop reading it. I wanted to know “Why do so many men abuse women and what can be done about it?” Bancroft has worked with abusive men for over twenty years and informs us that EACH year two to four million women are assaulted by a man at some point in their life. Bancroft’s valuable insight covers: early warning signs ten abusive personality types the abusive mentality problems with the legal system the long difficult process of change If you feel you are trapped in an unhealthy relationship and are trying to make sense out of what is happening… this is the book for you! For example; one of the most distinct features when you are with an angry or controlling partner
Read more →The Little B Inn in Nelsonville, Ohio was a FANTASTIC getaway for our first women’s retreat!! The owner of the inn; Miki told us about a wonderful surprise that was scheduled for Friday evening, we were able to sing along with the town carolers as they sang traditional Christmas carols and also to our delight we were able to witness the town square tree lighting ceremony. The women said they felt like they were in a Hallmark movie! Saturday we began our personal intentions for the holidays and these group of women amazed me!! They shared their stories and intentions which was what the retreat was all about… being able to trust yourself to tell the truth… we all felt closer to each other because of this special bonding experience. Saturday night we went out to a fabulous restaurant that is sponsored by a cooking school nearby and the food was unbelievably tasty and fresh!! Afterwards, the women shopped the
Read more →Maria Bucci: SIS Expert At any time, these 3 phrases can change your life instantly! “I am here” Accept where you are in life, right now! “I don’t know” This will open you up to new possibilities. “I have a choice!” Our attitude is the only thing that you are 100% able to choose. Play the audio file: [sc_embed_player_template1 fileurl=”″] “No one can make you miserable without your consent.” – Elanor Roosevelt Life challenges are not supposed to paralyze you, there are here to make you heal! Let me help you create a Whole Hearted Life! ~ Maria Bucci
Read more →Most of us have heard or read about the topics: self love, honoring our inner child and self nurturing, but we still listen to our inner critic berating us for the mistakes we’ve made, our imperfections, unrealized dreams, messy lives, broken relationships and on and on. In my work I’ve discovered that being kind and compassionate with ourselves not only makes us feel better, but more importantly it allows us to become more mindful and aware that we are NOT alone; everyone struggles! What is self compassion? It is the willingness to feel pain not push it away, FEEL it and then move THROUGH it. This practice involves learning to relax and allow you to move gently your fears. The trick is to stay with our emotions but not attaching ourselves to them. A good question to ask yourself; “What would I say
Read more →Jane McGonigal gave a riveting talk about the issue regarding how much time people waste playing games. The talk was surprising! She began in a unique way by talking off topic stating the top five regrets people have about their life that has been documented by Hospice caretakers and they were: Wish they hadn’t worked so hard. Wish they had stayed in touch with friends. Wish they were happier. Wish they had the courage to express themselves. Wish they had stayed true to their dreams instead of what others expected of them. How are we able to start doing this now so we will have fewer regrets? Are we really able to live our dream and do what we love? Jane explains that there are five good things about games; you can play as a family, social games help people stay connected, game
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