See Maria  on Friday, April 10th on Fox 28 Good Day Columbus at 9:00 am, talking about Embracing the Empty Nest!

There are two things people have a difficult time managing and that is change and uncertainty.

We feel comfortable when we know what is going to happen next but change is ALWAYS there and something we can’t control, so what do we do about change?

We EMBRACE it!!!

leaving-homeNothing “hits home” more about how to handle change and uncertainty when the time comes for a parent(s) to accept the realization that they are officially an “empty nester.” 

The fact is we love, nurture, and support our children the moment they are born which becomes a vocation in a way.  We spend an extraordinary amount of our time giving them everything they need in order for them to eventually discover what their gift will be to the world, and in no way is this easy task!!

There is a famous quote that says; “Parents give their children two things; one is roots and the other is wings.”  This is a very challenging task, but what do we do when we see they are about to fly?

Dr. Brené Brown; a researcher and author states that our children are “hard wired for struggle” and when we accept this and their ability to be resilient it allows us to begin the process of watching and supporting them from a distance.

Becoming an empty nester does have some benefits believe me! 

It is a time to get back into things that interested you before you became a parent. Taking a photography class, reconnecting with old friends, starting a new exercise program are now opportunities for you to rediscover your interests and desires, this personal journey will create many new opportunities for you!


It is very important to give yourself a “permission slip” to feel the emotions that come up for you when different situations occur like when you are dropping them off at the airport, or leaving them in their dorm room after you spent the whole day decorating it with them. I’t important to cultivate and have supportive people around you that understand what you are going through, never underestimate the power of our girlfriends, it is very validating!

What is truly rewarding is the chance for new beginnings and the opportunity for us to look forward to when we will see how this process is changing the way we see our children.

There will be such joy and gratitude as you will look forward to visiting with them and be amazed how much they have grown up!

Being a witness to all your hard work and noticing the resourcefulness they have acquired, the independence they are learning and finding their purpose is one of the biggest gifts a parent could ever ask for.

“Parents give their children two things; one is roots and the other is wings.” 

It will come to light that our children will ALWAYS need us, just in a different way…. EMBRACE IT!

  1. You’re very intelligent and thanks for sharing it!

  2. Just read your “Empty Nest” page! Great words of truth and encouragement. It brought comfort to me even as I have been in it for awhile 🙂 Great job! Can’t wait to see and hear the spot on FOX tomorrow. You make it real but hopeful! You go girl!

    Love you,

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